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Worship service, Every Sunday Morning at 10am till 11.30am 

 Cornerstone Community Care 

Church of New Life Operates a community care program providing support for families in desperate need. 



We are working on a partnership with Missions Impossible Penrith on a food distribution 


We provide Free Professional counselling and have a chaplaincy working with Men coming out of Alcaholism 

CNL Kids

We provide childrens ministry .We have a compitent team of teachers and a facility where the children can go and be safe 


Children are vary important to us . 


We also have an area for Mums and babies 



Our Mission statement is believing we can make a difference 


We support three missionary families in three different nations and special projects such as water filtration, child education and protection, church planting and farming projects 


We also support international relief fund that provided funding for national disarsters such as the nepal earthqukes 

Pentecostal Church / Church of New Life Katoomba Blue Mountains 

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